Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Sad Day For Bellingham


Our oldest school fell victim to a massive fire early this morning, leaving our community stunned and saddened. My son Asher is an 8th grader at Whatcom Middle School and he insisted I take him to see the damage for himself as soon as we received the news. We arrived about 6 hours after the first call to firefighters and flames were still visible all along the roof as well as in one classroom, while water poured from every entrance.

I’m feeling  heartsick by this morning’s tragedy. I always loved going into this old building. Unlike newer schools, Whatcom’s  walls seemed to reverberate the footsteps and chatter of more than a hundred years of lively students filling its halls and classrooms. I always found myself thinking of the changes this building had seen as Bellingham grew up around it…  of all the different fashions worn by its students over the years, and of all the historical events discussed among students and teachers as they occurred. Indeed, Asher watched the inauguration of our first black president in this building. Lucky boy.

My thoughts are with our awesome principal, Mr. Coulter, all of our fabulous teachers and of course every Whatcom Wildcat who’s lost his or her home-away-from-home this morning. I’m so sorry this has happened to your beloved school! Please find solace in knowing there will be many beautiful lessons learned from the community that is rising up to support you : )

The full album of photos can be seen here.

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Asher’s sixth grade science classroom. This room was currently empty due to seismic retrofit construction.

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Asher’s 7th grade science classroom, top left. 8th grade science classroom is the one being sprayed. Art classroom, second floor behind the evergreen.

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Asher’s 7th grade math classroom, over the main entrance


I’m really thankful for these guys… still hoping they were able to save it for us.

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Nope, not a doughnut. Apparently BPD officers prefer Egg McMuffins.

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Gotta love a kid who brings marshmallows to a  burning school! You can tell how windy it is here by Mom’s & pup’s hair -definitely not good conditions for fighting a fire.


“This is messed up, Mom.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so sad. Asher is right this is worng. I am a student at whatcom and I am still in shock, Whatcom felt like somthing that would always be there.....guess I was just proved worng.Oh 8th grade memorys right?
