Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring At Our House!

Spring is finally showing itself here in Western Washington! I spent a little while wandering around our yard yesterday, taking stock of all the life popping through land and limbs. I swear if you didn't know better you might think we had alien species growing all around us!

Budding chestnut leaves

Asian pear buds - can't wait to snack on the fruits of their labor!

Baby rhubarb - I think they look like little brains.

Peonies in the making...I can't believe something so beautiful starts out so... ummm... "interesting"...

Tiny thyme leaves

Tender leaves basking in the sun following a day of downpours

Little lilac buds... I have 5 lilac bushes in my yard!

The humming birds are frequent visitors to these pretty pink flowers!

I have not identified this plant yet but its itty bitty blooms sure are sweet!

I'm anxious for the magnolia to bloom... it's right outside my bedroom window : )

Lilies pushing their way toward the sun

Terra cotta pots awaiting their mates for the summer

Stay tuned for what things look like around here this summer!
